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La collocazione della schola pythagorica tra essere e dover essere etico/sociali  download file

Pozzoni, Ivan

This my new contribution – on the wake of my recent studies on the milesian school, on Xenophanes, on Heraclitus and on Plato – aims to achieve three interesting historiographic objectives, neglected by the modern doctrine: a] to demonstrate – through close examination of the development of the Hel-lenic institutions – how, in the history of marginal Greece one must recognise an irrefutable feedback effect between the social context (colonization of Southern Italy) and the cultural context (the writings of Pithagorics); b] to analyze the evolution of the nature of the new associative model of the pythago-rean community; c] to show how the theoretical interlacement among a non-monistic ontology, based on the distinction matter / spirit and on the recognition of the existence of a variety of different ele-ments, and a conservative ethics, based on the statement of concordia ordinum in the city, leads, in cos-mology, to conceive the notion of cosmic harmony.

Key words: milesian school, Pithagorics, cosmic harmony.

Información Filosófica 2010; 14; 1
DOI: 10.3308/2010.004

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