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Resistenza e auto-controllo: rivolta ionica del 499 a.c. ed etica eraclitea  download file

Pozzoni, Ivan

My contribution aims to achieve three interesting historiographic objectives: a] to support the theory – in the wake of the traditional reconstructive line taken by Joel, Jaeger, Mondolfo and Capizzi, and on the basis of the assumption that all metaphysics are nothing but an artificial extension of individual material reality – that the moral, social and institutional world must be models of the Heraclitean cosmology; b] to demonstrate – through close examination of the development of the Hellenic institutions – how, in the history of marginal Greece one must recognise an irrefutable feedback effect between the social context (the Ionic revolt) and the cultural context (the writings of Heraclitus); c] to stress – in the light of a careful theory of the sources relating to ancient history – how the cosmology of Heraclitus brings in information about the Ionic revolt of 499 in a manner that is in harmony with and completely similar to the ruling Herodotean tradition.

Keywords: Heraclitus, Heraclitean Cosmology, Ethics.

Información Filosófica
Volumen IV (2007) núm. 1
pp. 50-79

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