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Espaço, Tempo e Movimento segundo Kant  download file

Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio

On this article, I explain the pure theory of motion and space according to Kant. However, we know that it is a new phoronomic conception by the way plays a very important role to the a priori intui-tion.On thia article I refer the Kant`s positon about the space, time, and motion, accorduing to the phoronomy, and the sense of transcendental aethetics. However, it is possible to determine a new critic to the classical cinematic, and ea very important point of view by the kantian sense of phoronomy.

Información Filosófica
Volumen III (2006) núm. 3
pp. 39-55

L'articolo è stato letto 1313 volte


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