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Lunnyj smisl’ v tchelovetcheskom jazyke [Moon sense in human language]  download file

Tinyakova, Elena

Meanings connected with the Moon are interwoven into the meanings of cosmic space. Antique and Middle ages tractatus are mentioned.The works of the medieval thinker Johannes Scotus Eriugena are referred to. The role of the Moon in nature was connected with growth, climate tokens. Moon myths are full of various specific plots, personages. The moon is analysed in comparison in Russian and Indian traditional cultures. The Moon has been a strong spiritual stimulas for poets. Exampls from Japanese and Russian poetry of the XY111-X1X-th centuries are given. The Moon sense is boundless both in natural and artistic meanings.

Keywords: language, cosmic space, moon, nature, calendar, traditional culture, poetry.

Información Filosófica
Volumen III (2006) núm. 2
pp. 61-68

File size (177 KB)

L'articolo è stato letto 1094 volte


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