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Ética kantiana: pelas críticas deontológicas  download file

Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio

On this article, we decided to write a new interpretation on Kant's ethical thought, when I realized that along with the overemphasis on the formula of universal law, the neglect of Kant’s empirical theory of human nature and history is responsible for most of the misunderstandings of Kant’s deontological thought, that prevail among its supporters as well critics, by the way according the deontological lecture of Apel, and others philosophers.

Key words: Jacques Maritain, education, ontological foundations of education.

Información Filosófica 2009; 13; 43
DOI: 10.3308/2009.012

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide

Web at: http://www.philosophica.org/public/pdf/IF092-borges.zip

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